Tolton Ambassadors of Indiana planning meeting by Kevin Kilbane. This image appeared in the Today’s Catholic article “Father Tolton Group Evolves to More Directly Support Cause for Sainthood.”

Members of the Tolton Ambassadors of Indiana hosting a virtual Tolton novena.


We welcome your support!

We invite you to support our mission through donations. For more information, you can reach out to us through email,

Be sure to check out our events page for fun and enriching activities that also support our efforts. Thank you!


The Tolton Society hosts overnight, prayerful pilgrimage to Fr. Tolton’s gravesite in Quincy, IL (April 1, 2017). His cross is visible in the background.

The Tolton Society helps tell the story by co-sponsoring a nationally touring Tolton play for our Diocese, from St. Luke’s Productions.

2019 Tolton Society Mardi Gras "Fun" raiser

The 2019 King and Queen