Tolton Mardi Gras … our 23rd annual fundraiser will be Tues, March 4th from 5:30pm – 7:30pm at St. A’s. Purchase tix in advance ($25.00) from a Tolton Ambassador (limited seating). Enjoy authentic New Orleans cuisine, music, fun fellowship, and silent auction (you may donate items, gift baskets / cards for auction thru Sun 2/2) at St. Augustine Parish .
Becoming a saint involves four stages: Servant of God, Venerable, Blessed and Saint. Fr. Tolton has reached the second level. To help him advance, would you consider making a donation at the “Servant of God” level ($100), “Venerable” level ($300), “Blessed” level ($500), or “Saint” level ($1,000)?
Write checks / donations to “Tolton Ambassadors of Indiana,” c/o: St. Augustine Parish, 1501 W. Washington Street, South Bend, IN, 46628.. Proceeds support cause for sainthood, Chicago pilgrimage, July Convocation. Contact: Annie Tardy, Tolton Ambassadors of Indiana Convener (